Saturday, July 16, 2005

Councilors handing over.

And so, last Thursday, the main reason why we can't play badminton was because the new group of councilors were taking over.

Sigh, how time flies. When I saw Sarah again on Monday, memories of the Council flooded back. To date, I sometimes question myself as to why the hell did I not join the Council. True, shit goes on your face, but the bonding inside is incredible. And hey, let's admit it, the points for being a councilor is great too.

Oh well. I still miss Sarah, and the rest of the gang. I have no idea why I can't get Sarah out of my mind, perhaps because I have not seen her for such a long time, and that we have been working shit since Friendship day or whatever you call that crap day.

But, finally, a new council is up. And guess what? The first thing they went through was to take care of our prom.

First of all, they reduced the $80 to $76 (...), and somehow, came up with something which gave only 500 seats...



Oh well. I guess I might not be going after all. If the entire class is going, then I might be interested. Before that, I was kinda interested in going, but now that I know that it's not in Ritz (in Regent instead), I can't be bothered.

All the best for the 20th SC! I still respect each and every single councilor, especially those in the 19th, for the fact that they were my batch of students. More over, those who had stayed inside after being CI shown true steel, when the core group has disappeared. LoL.

So, the kidney thingy's saga has finally ended, with T.T stepping down.

However, can the organisation expect the public to believe in them after such as fiasco? Sure, you can change the heads, the bodys, the entire name if you want, but what's done is done. According to the newspapers, over 6000 people have withdrawn their support. This is support which they won over 20 years, at least. Sure, the Health Ministry can step in and such, but does that prevent such an event from happening again? I mean, this is just a private organisation, how much can the government do, unless they decide to actually take over it and provide government funding to it. If that's not done, all they can do is to ensure that their people are more "econicmal", and not have 12 months worth of bonus and such. If the organisation decides to publish a book saying how much they spent every year, how much their CEOs earned and such, I doubt anyone will care. This is due to the organisation heads lying to people, or misleading them, if you wish, over the time which their reserves could last. Changing the heads won't change the fact that the organisation has lied to people before.

What the organisation need to do, is to apologise to people. Admiting your faults is the first step towards redemption. So far, at least to me, there isn't a single apology. Heck, all the words spoken to calm the public is mostly done by the Health Ministers, and not by the organisation's own staff. Do they not have the backbone to face the public after such a damning case? Do they have to fall back on things which the people can trust, such as the government, in order to "calm" the people? On top of that, after so many factors in which could be used to force a resignation of someone, T.T didn't resign immediately, but instead said that he will resign if the board wants him to. It's pretty much pure Raneri (The ex Valencia coach, possible spelling error here), who has pretty much screwed Valencia around, but saying that he won't resign unless the board ask that of him.

The first thing T.T should have done is to apologise, and resign immediately. There's no way he can sit on that chair after all that's revealed, with the public calling for his blood.

Since he didn't do that, the public will naturally feel much more anger. Instead of water being thrown to douse the flames, gas is tossed in instead, by having the Health Ministers urging calm. True, the ministers sould speak up immediately, which they did. However, the organisation should speak out as well. What are the rest of the board for? Make tea for the CEO and sing song? C'mon...

As mentioned above, one way to prevent this fiasco from happening again will be having the government taking over the organisation. However, this won't be fair to those organisation which helps take care of people who has, say, Down's Syndrome. The organisation has a lovely reserve which many organisations out there would do almost anything, possibily including giving their first born, to have that kind of money. Many have to rely funding and support via flag days, while the organisation in question can hire singers, actors and such to raise funds. Also, if the government takes over, it isn't exactly a "non-profit" organisation anymore, is it? I mean, if it's under the government, it means that the government has to provide funding for it, isn't it? Of course, the government can toss a few people as the heads and leave it as that, telling it to get their own funding and such, which is happening now anyway. That doesn't change anything. The organisation, if funded by the government, will mean that it's money out of tax payers' pockets. So, if it becomes funded by the government, it means that everyone will be paying, indirectly. Consider this, opposed to one which has people donating volunteeringly. Which is better?

Neither. Both are just as bad. Government ones will mean a higher tax for all, while the private one will mean that salaries have to be paid, and hence, another fiasco such as the recent one, may happen again.

Perhaps the only ideal solution is to get private watchdogs to report findings every year. Total transparency. If that's the case, then how will they get a CEO who can help an organisation earn as much? Asking a guy to work due to his conscience isn't exactly the best way to tell people to work for you. Perhaps a ministry official, under the government's payroll, could do that instead. That way, the government can have an eye on the organisation, while the heads can't get any "spare cash off it, since they are not supposed to use the money for their own means.

Interesting...but who will be the poor guys who are "given" the post?



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